Ag Workforce Student Success: Shenae Frazier

Shenae Frazier completed the Ag Workforce Pasture Management certification in 2021, and the Farm Fellowship Program in 2022. She has also been attending Eastern’s Career Services Mini-Courses, as well as continuing to take other Ag Workforce trainings.


Shenae Frazier

Workforce training program(s) completed at Eastern:

  • 2021 – Pasture Management certification
  • 2022 – Farm Fellowship Program, completed: Farm Business Management Certificate, Agribusiness Diversification, and Value Adding Certificate, and Livestock Management Systems Certificate
  • 2023 – Attended Agritourism Summit, and Setting Up Your Own Business; currently completing Meat Clerk Certificate, and am on track to finish the Horticulture Management Systems Certificate

Are you still taking training programs? If so, where and what training are you working toward?

Yes, at Eastern. I really appreciate the diversity of the Ag Innovation class line-up and hope to be able to take all of the classes while this program is running.

Current Employer/Job (if applicable):

Farms Work Wonders

What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during Eastern鈥檚 Workforce training program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current training?

Even though my current role at Farms Work Wonders isn鈥檛 specifically Ag related I have been able to reference knowledge I gained from the Farm Business Management Track in my work, and attending the Agritourism Summit was especially enlightening!
Outside of 鈥渨ork鈥 is where I feel the biggest impacts of these trainings. I have been able to use enterprise budgeting to help determine the cadence of new projects, I feel much more confident helping out with other鈥檚 cattle now that I am BQA certified, and I was able to take the Pasture Management class for a second time and include my husband and we have been able to use rotational grazing on a very small scale with just chickens to bring back not only nutrients but species diversification to our land.

Did trainers/instructors/staff at SWAG视频contribute to your career success? How did they help you?

My goal in taking these classes was personal success, as opposed to career success, but I have found that SWAG视频has supported me in both areas! Trish Halterman specifically has answered every question, email, and call over the past two years. She has been such a big cheerleader for everyone taking any of the classes, but especially the fellows.

What advice would you give to current Workforce students at SWAG视频who are looking to follow a similar path to a job?

Explore it all! When I originally heard about the classes, I was working for a big retail chain. It was through attending my first training that I even became aware of my current employer. Through continued trainings I have been able to better help and connect with my customers, but also to invest myself more intentionally into my personal Ag goals.

Shenae Frazier
Shenae Frazier

Are you an SWAG视频graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email today!
